Email Address
Phone Number
171 Walnut Street
Paterson, NJ 07522
Paterson, NJ 07522
Offset Printing
The Chameleon Communications Group offers the highest quality and affordable offset printing services. If you have a run length of over 5,000 pieces it might be beneficial to price out your job on an offset printing press. The turnaround times are typically longer but for long runs offset printing may be more economical. We offer the latest in state-of-the-art offset printing technology. We have the capability of printing 6 colors CMYK plus Spot. In-line aqueous coating is also available to protect your offset printed job and give it a professional look and feel.. Our attention to detail and focus on getting your offset job printed to your specs is of paramount importance to us. To complement our offset printing we offer prepress services plus a wide variety of bindery services that enable us to handle virtually any offset printing project.